June 14, 2011


My plan was to go into the city today, and take care of more odds & ends related to moving. Instead, I stayed in bed until mid-morning, the result of an overnight migraine. I blame the weather. It's rather stormy here, and we're getting a ton of rain the next few days, so I'm guessing that is the cause.

By mid-afternoon I was feeling more "human" again, and decided to tackle the remaining boxes and bins in the living room. I took 4 rubbermaid bins, 1 GIANT bin, and 1 large box down to the basement. Another two bins got emptied. And the boxes continue to sit there - as do 4 more bins and a few random items that just don't have a home yet.

Also on the productive side - I called about getting my insurance switched over, called and found out where to mail my 407 transponder back to, put my MacPass in my car, store away many reusable shopping bags in my car, hung my packs in my closest & store camping gear away in my closest. Oh and walked to the mailbox to drop my crafty cards in for delivery !!

Not bad for a migraine day.

All these things were what I had on my hit list for tomorrow ... Which means that tomorrow I will go into the city and hopefully tackle that to-do list !!

And ... here's a random photo from a week or so ago, taken in my yard.

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