August 3, 2011

Under the weather

... well it's day 2 of feeling all around crappy.

I had a migraine yesterday morning, and had another headache by the time I went to bed last night. I woke up feeling o.k., but seem to have a bug of some sort making my tummy upset : ( It appears to be going around our house, so we're all feeling rather blah.

I am a bit behind in my photo editing ... but will make a stab at getting a bunch done tomorrow, and will post a few photos then : )

August 1, 2011

What Every Gnome Needs On A Hot Day

It is toasty warm today ... I sunned for awhile this afternoon, and do believe I was a little sun-stroked. I had a cool shower, and relaxed inside for some time. Feeling much better now ... and am enjoying a yummy bevy, just like Roamie did last weekend on his adventure : )

July 31, 2011

Hanging Around

Last Sunday we went to The Ovens, but stopped at a great antiques shop on the way.
It's in an old bard with lots of different levels, and it just packed with all sorts of treasures.
I went back to the car for my camera because I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to photograph all these amazing antiques. 

I haven't even started to edit photos from that day, but wanted to share one that I currently have set as my second monitor desktop.

July 29, 2011

Black & White vs Colour ... Day 5 - Final Day

Bench on the Boardwalk in Fisherman's Cove.
It was kind of funny to sit here, because the grass was so tall you couldn't really see over it and it didn't feel like you were right on the ocean waters.

July 28, 2011

Black & White vs Colour ... Day 4 !!

Where would you rather browse for hours on end, in search of the perfect summer read ???

July 26, 2011

Black & White vs Colour ... Day 2

When the day comes that I have room to pile books all around me, chances are I will.
Even if I never read them, I just love having them. Stacking them. Making them look pretty.

July 25, 2011

B&W vs Colour - Day 1

This week I am going to post a pair of photos each day. They will be the same photo, one in colour, one black & white. I would love to hear which you like & why in the comments below. xo

Beach Day with Dan during his visit last week. We arrived at Queens Landing to find a beautiful fog over the water. It rolled out and cleared up long enough to enjoy some sun.

July 24, 2011

Market Fresh

Mom & I went to the Wolfville Farmers Market on Saturday morning.
We picked up some fresh veggies, and took in what they had to offer.

In comparison to the SeaPort market in Halifax, or the St. Lawrence market in Toronto, the Wolfville market is teeny tiny - but still has lots to offer & supports the local growers & businesses - which is what it's all about !!

July 18, 2011

Fresh Dough

It took 10 days to start this dough from scratch. But it was well worth it, as I can now bake cinnamon rolls whenever my heard desires !! I made a batch Saturday morning, and took a few quick shots with my iPhone to commemorate this first batch from the fresh dough.

July 16, 2011

Red & Black

A few close ups from the car show last Saturday.
Again this Saturday, it is raining. Mom & I are being busy bees around the house, getting cleaning done, I also baked cinny rolls (yummm), and have to do some work later.
I want today to go by SUPER FAST so that it can be tomorrow !!

July 14, 2011

Watch Where You Park

The Parking Police were on the scene during the car show.
Keeping everyone in line  !! Too cute : )

July 13, 2011

Hard At Work

Looks like there's no rest for mechanics ... These cute little fellows even work in the rain !!

July 12, 2011


Jaguar(s) all lined up at the car show.
Even in the rain, these cars look fantastic !!

July 10, 2011

Rainy Car Show

Saturday was the British Motoring Festival in Windsor NS. It rained all day, only clearly just before the exhibitors dinner at 7pm. Needless to say, the turn out of both cars & public visitors was far less than anticipated.
It was my first car show, and while the rain put a major damper on my photography plans, I still  managed to take just shy of one hundred photos - balancing my camera in one hand and my umbrella in the other.

July 4, 2011

Home Grown

Our Topsy Turvy & deck pots are starting to yield berries for us to enjoy !! There have only been a few, but they are "ever bearing" plants, they will provide us with fruit all summer long !! A very exciting thought.


A few shots of the beans & radishes growing in our raised bed garden in the backyard.

It seems the radishes grew overnight the first night the seeds were in the ground. They have the cutest leaves !!

The beans took a few more days, but then sprouted up out of the soil in a fast & furious way !! They are standing tall and growing more and more each day.

I love being able to wander out and see the new sprouts, increased height, new leaves, and exciting progress all the plants are making.

Also planted are carrots & parsnips, dill (for making pickles later this year), two kinds of pepper plants and sunflowers.

Loving having a garden for the first time since I was on living on the farm !!

It's Not Easy Being Green

My bathroom needed a little more colour ... because I am bright & cheery !!
Above Left: Bathroom before anything
Above Right: Bathroom primed !! 
Below: My Pretty Green Paint : )

Below: 3 shots of my pretty painted bathroom : ) 
Loving it more and more every day !!

Berry Tradition

A few weeks ago, mom & I tackled a small crate of berries, hulling, slicing, sugaring, and freezing. They are very tasty !! Loving the NS local berry crop : )

This was such a small amount of berries in our books ... normally we tackle six 6qt baskets and make jam in addition to freezer berries. 

June 24, 2011

Saint John

I just had a wonderful visit with Noelyn in Saint John !!
She showed me around uptown, we had drinks on a patio, enjoyed a little shopping & a movie - and had a great time chatting & catching up !! I am so glad we got to hang out before she moves back to ON soon !!

June 22, 2011

A little topsy-turvey

We have one of these 'as-seen-on-tv' strawberry plant growers in our yard ... and I have to say - it really works !! The plants are growing, and there are many berries in the making on it !! This photo was taken the day we planted it, which was about 2 weeks ago now (the first weekend I was in NS I think). I look forward to snacking on the berries as they ripen.

June 21, 2011

Oh Happy Day !! (One Day Late)

Happy 10th Birthday to my cousin Ryan !!
And Happy Anniversary to his parents, my Aunt Deb & Uncle Paul !!

Alright ... so really these celebrations were yesterday - June 20th ... but I had some computer & external hard-drive related issues yesterday, so the post was postponed until today.

June 19, 2011

New Bling

 I found a new love-of-my-life website recently ... and while I have been browsing through the thousands of pages of goodies, I have found many inspirational ideas. This one jumped out at me b/c I had also seen it in Chatelaine magazine a few months ago and had wanted to give it a go then. I must have trashed that magazine, because I've looked through the ones on my shelf and cannot find the article. So I was delighted to find a link HERE to instructions on how to make this bracelet. Sure they are fairly simple, but I always like to read the how-to before trying something new. So I gave it a go, and am pretty pleased with the result !! I used leather instead of string, and silver  hex nuts instead of gold, and I put a lobster clasp & jump rings on instead of tying it on permanently. I can see making many more of these as gifts for friends & family - so let me know if you want one ;)